We were devastated by the fire. Yet, with thanks to The Most High, no one was killed, only two fire fighters received minor injuries and our Torahs were saved.
But we cannot enjoy services within the building, we cannot sing or drum in the building, we cannot meet in the building, we cannot even enter the building. Accordingly, we do not currently have a space where we can hold regular services and meet as a congregation celebrating together the many days of the Hebrew calendar and teaching our faith to our children.

Fire, defeat and other challenges, as painful as they may be, provide opportunities to rebuild stronger than before. Through it all we hold fast to each other, we will rebuild, and we will be a stronger, more connected, community than we have ever been. Before the fire we were struggling to maintain and fully use our beloved but outdated home. Now we have no choice but to use the fire as an opportunity to rebuild our home so that it will sustain us into the future. We have committed to rebuilding our home.Fire, defeat and other challenges, as painful as they may be, provide opportunities to rebuild stronger than before. Through it all we hold fast to each other, we will rebuild, and we will be a stronger, more connected, community than we have ever been. Before the fire we were struggling to maintain and fully use our beloved but outdated home. Now we have no choice but to use the fire as an opportunity to rebuild our home so that it will sustain us into the future. We have committed to rebuilding our home.
“Our leaders founded B’nai Adath; our parents mortgaged their homes to house B’nai Adath; we dedicate our lives to ensuring the future of B’nai Adath by rebuilding our Synagogue.”
– Rabbi Baruch A. Yehudah, B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael